Thursday, July 12, 2007

a blond joke

a red -head drives up to a farmer, sees he has a black sheep, and gets out of her car. she asks him if she can guess how many sheep he has, will he give her his black sheep.he agrees.she guesses 220. he says that is correct and gives her the sheep. as the blond starts to leave he says , "if i guess your real hair-color can i have my dog back?

Saturday, July 7, 2007

art camp

I'm going to New Orleans for two whole weeks! I'm staying with one of my two favorite aunts and my cousins.(my cousins are dogs!) I will be at art camp for one of the weeks. At art camp I will be welding, staining glass, print making and so much more! I went last year and had a blast! the other week I will be hanging around New Orleans having fun! The camp is at a place called New Orleans Glass Works.

If you go to this link, I'm the red head girl on the end.this photo is from last year.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of july

The 4th has become a very commercial holiday. people think of the 4th as a day when there are fireworks, cookouts, and parties. I wish everyone would realize that the 4th is the day we declared freedom from england! The 4th is our independence day!